2019 Is Your Year!

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards”, a quote by Soren Kierkegaard that rings true.  To go forward, one has to reflect and reengage purposefully. It’s the only way to make 2019 your fantastic year.

By now you should be thinking or have thought about your year in review.  Based on your checklist for achievement and resolutions for this outgoing year, you should be able to answer the following questions: 

What went well?

What did not go well? 

How would you do things differently? 

What was the highlight and low point of your year?

As with most persons, a personal self assessment can cause you to feel a sense of accomplishment or a sense of defeat.  Celebrate your accomplishments; give yourself a pat on the shoulder and a high five; reward yourself with a treat for your successes.  Then strategize to overcome last year’s defeat.  It is not over until the fat lady sings! 

Tomorrow, 2019 is a New Year

You have a great start at fulfilling your goals in the new year. The plan that did not go well for 2018 year may evoke emotions of sadness. Don’t be daunted. Awesome news! Tomorrow, 2019, is another day and the beginning of a brand new year. And guess what? You are going to make it fantastic! Once you recognize what did not go well and what you would do different, draft a battle plan and embark on executing your goals with alacrity.

A review of the year will not leave you in a place of stagnation. However, consider it a pivotal point to move forward with wisdom.  Engage your thoughts and put pen to paper.  Write out your strategic objectives and tactical plans.  Start your new year right!

May your coming year be fruitful and prosperous.  May all your dreams, goals and visions be accomplished in time frames you set.  Be excellent in all your endeavours.  Make yourself proud!

A fantastic 2019 awaits you

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